John Miller
The Succession of Planes Gives No Impression of Depth, 2009
Imitation gold leaf, assorted objects, fiberglass
216 × 40 × 162 cm
In 2008 Miller began gilding junk using gold leaf in his wall reliefs and standing sculptures. Gold architectural objects and household items arouse a primal attraction to metallic glimmer; the eye is drawn, magpie-like, to the glinting surfaces. However, upon closer inspection, the gold-covered objects appear cheap and even somewhat apocalyptic. Playing on authenticity and falsity, the works demonstrate Miller’s ambivalence towards capitalism and the value of art in consumer culture.
“John Miller, Olaf Breuning, Tony Matelli”, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow. Mar – Jun 2014
“Co-thinkers”, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Jul – sep 2016
Catalogue. “John Miller, Olaf Breuning, Tony Matelli”, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow, 2014.