
Jim Shaw – ‘Capitol Viscera Appliances mural’, 2011. Tony Matelli – ‘Fucked (Couple)’, 2005.
Courtesy The State Hermitage Museum and the artists.

Mitch Griffiths
Tony Matelli
Jim Shaw

June 4 — September 18, 2016
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

‘Realisms’ exhibition features three contemporary artists: Mitch Griffiths, Tony Matelli, and Jim Shaw. Each of them work in individual artistic way techniques and deal with various aspects of reality.

The three groups of art works represent different realistic methods involving various ways of dealing with visual reality.

Artists work with their imagery in their own recognizable ways: by building a pompous history, or by organizing an enigmatic theatre, or by creating terrifying pictures. In General Staff Building, their works directly interact with art in permanent display of collections as well as create bridges to the opposite wing of the museum where classical paintings and sculptures are exhibited. Such a situation creates new multifocal parallels that lead to new ideas referring to the old form/content pair of world realistic art.

‘Realisms’ is an exhibition created by Contemporary art department of The State Hermitage Museum in cooperation with Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Simon Lee Gallery, and Halcyon Gallery.

The State Hermitage Museum