15.04 — 14.05.2008Bad PlanetGroup ShowGeorge Condo
Anton Henning
David LaChapelle
Tony Matelli
Ryan McGinness
Jonathan Meese
John Miller
Sarah Morris
Roxy Paine
Andreas Slominski
In a world where substance and meaning often seem elusive, “Bad Planet” boldly challenges the allure of superficiality, aiming to expose the dire consequences of a society driven by excessive consumerism and synthetic substitutes. It sheds light on a world where genuine necessity is over-shadowed by luxurious surrogates, urging us to critically examine the implications of our indulgences and the relinquishment of essential values.
Taking inspiration from the archeological concept of artifacts as tangible testaments of human activity, “Bad Planet” delves deep into the collective human experience of the early 21st century, exploring the multifaceted aspects of modern existence. Through a selected number of artistic works, this exhibition aims to provide a cultural cross-section of our time. It showcases a diverse range of artistic expressions that capture the triumphs, failures, achievements, and anxieties of our era.
Joining the artworks by 10 internationally renowned contemporary artist, the exhibition transcends the language barriers and fosters introspection and self-reflection, encouraging viewers to objectively assess the challenges and concerns we face today. Through the power of art, this exhibition compels us to become active participants in shaping a better world, one that transcends the allure of superficiality and embraces the significance of substance and meaning.